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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Entry to The Visitor's Log

Bring me my teleportation 
Bring me my teleportation
Terminals please !!!!!
We can't wait the
cars are primitive and polluting

besides, why should it take 
me so long to get close to you ! ?
Like a dream come true 
When I could teleport to you ...
Last night, I 
teleported to you love 
transmuted myself into you-

So let it be all outside of you-
when you are still right there
inside of you in that one
small space
from which you can't erase
Can't stop the pace
But you can set your fate
to love and not hate 
Superstar murderer
He's worshipped round the world
death to your brother
to hell with your mother 
and damn the earth is what they say-
they'll have it no other way -
Not my sunshine 
Not my way -

A Visitors Log entry

My race left me behind
I was among not my own
In those days 
they saw things that way
they cultivated separation 

Blue Diamond man

Blue diamond man
you left me in the sand for so long

Everything Is Wrong

Everything is wrong
the games, directives
facades, collectively
trained, dismantled
placed blame
It's all the same
And all of it is wrong
Wrong for evolution 
Catacylsmic lack of love 
Elicit sun's return
Abandoned like the dawn
And still again, 
Everything is wrong.